Any suggestions you submit for the improvement of our software through trainers, salespeople and technicians are welcome. You are the specialists in your field, so you have our full attention to keep our software in front of our competitors and ensure our leadership role. It is important, however, that you be aware of the treatment that is being done internally.
A Suggestion Analysis Committee is made up of internal experts who are aware of the needs of the clientele through their direct involvement in implantations, interventions or representations to clients.
During their monthly meeting, the committee asks the members of the technical support, sales and training teams to provide a list of the 10 customer suggestions that they believe are the most frequent and likely to improve the use of the software. The committee reviews all suggestions and retains the most appropriate. The others remain active and will be subject to further analysis.
Targeted fixes and enhancements are then submitted to managers for approval and are reflected in the schedule of the Programming Department.