Out of the 100+ reports found in our MIR-RT Fleet Maintenance Software, we have identified the fifteen reports most commonly used by fleet managers.
Specify the scope of the report and generate it, then highlight important information or sections to review, and add personal notes before printing or emailing it.
Reports can be emailed in PDF format to one or more recipients or exported to Excel or Word in just a few clicks.
MIR-RT also offers the possibility to automatically generate a report daily, monthly, annually or at a specific date and send it by email to predefined recipients without you having to intervene.
Use the flexibility of the Query Manager to create unlimited reports that can be customized according to each user's needs.
Choose the data you want to include in your report, organize the displayed columns order, sort the information as you wish, group it, add totals and averages, and generate graphs.
Use our editor tool to highlight the relevant information to review.
Take Control of Your Heavy-Duty Shop With
MIR-RT Software
The Top Rated Maintenance Software to reduce your maintenance costs and increase your fleet safety.