According to the McKinsey Global Institute in the United States, the lack of employes training on technological tools generates losses of $ 10,000 per year!
For this reason, we recently created the MIR-RT optimization program in order to update your database and your use of the software. This program will significantly increase the efficiency of your employees and optimize your investment!
Here’s How Our MIR-RT Optimization Program Works:
Phase 1– Pre-Analysis * $ 500. Deductible in Phase 2.
- Database Analysis
- Software use analysis, module by module.
- Gateway analysis.
- Identify underperformance indicators
- Tabling of the Report.
- Phone or web meeting with the project manager.
- Decision to proceed to Phase 2.
Phase 2– Internal Processes Analysis and Tabling of the Report
1. Project Planning and Management – ½ day 2. Analysis of Internal Processes – 1 day
- Meeting and observation on site at your office.
- Supporting users in MIR-RT
- Asking questions to users
3. Report Production – 1 day 4. Summary of the Analysis – ½ to 1 day
- Tabling of the report – Situation, solutions,, suggestions.
Phase 3 – Optimization of MIR-RT
- Implementation of the Measures.
- Users training (possibility to use bank hours)
- Database corrections
- Configuration update
- MIR-RT processes modification
Do you want to optimize the use of your MIR-RT software? Contact us!